Учимся правильно употреблять предложения со словами КОТОРЫЙ, КОТОРАЯ, КОТОРОЕ, КОТОРЫЕ…
If you want to say “That’s the boy whom I saw yesterday”, the Russian word you need is КОТОРЫЙ.
Где бутылки, которые стояли здесь? – Where are the bottles which were standing here?
Вот девушка, которая была в ресторане. – There is the girl who was in the restaurant.
NB!!! It is curious that English makes a distinction here between animate (the girl who…) and inanimate (the bottles which…) while Russian doesn’t. КОТОРЫЙ also has case endongs, but these depend not on the preceding noun but on the role of КОТОРЫЙ in its own clause:
So in the sentence “This is the girl whom you saw yesterday” – Вот девушка (nom.), КОТОРУЮ (acc.) вы видели вчера – the relative КОТОРУЮ has an accusative ending because it is the object of ВИДЕЛИ.
1. Вот официант, котор… (m, anim, acc) вы искали. (There’s the waiter (whom) you were looking for).
2. Вот дом, котор… (m, inanim, acc) вы искали. (There’s the house (which) you were looking for
3. Где официант, с котор… (m, instr.) я говорил? (Where is the waiter I with whom I was talking?)
4. Женщина, котор… сидит в углу, американка. (The woman who is sitting in the corner is American.)
5. Женщина, с котор… вы говорили, тоже американка. (The woman with whom you were talking to is also American)
6. Пожалуйста, покажите книги, котор… вы купили. (Please show me the books which you bought.)
7. Мы живём в гостинице, котор… построили финны. (We are staying in a hotel) which was built by the Finns)
8. Это писатель, котор… я очень люблю. (He is a writer I like very much)
NB!!! In English “which’/who’whom” can be omitted, but in Russian КОТОРЫЙ must always be present in such sentenses
NB!!! Use КТО/ЧТО, not КОТОРЫЙ, after the pronouns ТОТ/ВЕСЬ (that/all):
Спасибо за ВСЁ, ЧТО вы сделали для нас. (Thank you for everything which you have done for us)
ТОТ, о КОМ вы спрашивали, уехал вчера. (The one you asked about left yesterday)